Friday, May 22, 2009

Spread the word; download/print flier!

Much still going on behind the scenes, and we'll have more posts and information later today.

For now, however, we want to get this "one-sheet" out as quickly as possible.

Download this 1-page pdf, print out a slew of copies, and start putting them up and passing them out wherever and to whomever you can think of!

Killing this project is going to be a multi-stage campaign involving a variety of strategies... but for the moment, the key is raising awareness and networking concerned community members so that when it is time to act, we are prepared and ready to mobilize.

Don't wait for someone else to get the job done. We don't have enough time, and there are no magic heroes coming to your rescue. YOU are the cavalry... get on your horse and ride.

(And let us know in comments where you've posted signs, who/how many you've handed fliers to, and what kind of feedback you are getting so far.)


  1. Great job SGO Staff. EVERYBODY, put these on your mailbox units in each subdivision...

  2. OK. Who is behind the project? Do we have the government entity and officials behind this project identified? where is the funding coming from? state? local?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Les and Dick Kilday own Kiday realty group. they appear to be in the business of developing low income housing.

  5. We've deleted one comment because we believe it contained the home-address of one of the developers.

    Although that information is public knowledge and identifiable on the Internet (obviously), we think it better not to post any information here that could be construed as encouraging (or empowering) people to harass the Kilday's in their private lives.

    Please trust us; strategies are being pursued to frustrate the developer's plans and convince them it is not worth the effort to continue.

    For now, focus on communicating with your elected representatives--Senator Dan Patrick and State Rep. Debbie Riddle--and spreading the word about to as many friends and neighbors as you can.


  6. For those of you who go to church, ask Jesus where he'd build a low income housing development.

  7. To Anonymous: He'd probably have the foresight to build one where the tenants would have access to the many parts of town that comprise the Greater Houston Area. This would include public venues, jobs, festivals, etc. At this time, unless they have their own transportation, that isn't here because there is no public transportation. Why would Jesus build a low-income housing development where the tenants would be limited, rather than in a place where they would have the freedom to move about?

  8. 2:13 pm Anonymous:

    First, as a Jew, I'd appreciate you not attempting to shove your religious beliefs down my throat. Not everyone who lives in Windrose or surrounding areas is Christian. Try not to be so ethnocentric.

    Secondly, I doubt very highly (although admittedly, I'm an outsider) that Jesus would try to make a mountain of shekels for himself by lobbying Roman authorities for a tax-subsidy to finance his construction projects, especially if they would end up hurting the property values of innocent bystanders. And he sure wouldn't pursue such projects on the OTHER side of town, while living in a luxury townhome behind a secure gate.

  9. (Just to add to my previous comment)

    ... which is precisely what this developer has done. They live in a luxuray townhome near Memorial, behind a gate. They aren't suggesting low income housing projects be built near THEIR home... but they want to come out to OUR neighborhood and make a killing, while we have to live with the consequences.

    And they want a government subsidy to do it, natch.

    I'm pretty sure that wasn't part of the Sermon on the Mount.
