Monday, May 25, 2009

Volunteers needed!

Plans for a community-wide meeting (Windrose and surrounding subdivisions) are coming together quickly; stay-tuned for an official announcement.

In the meantime, it is becoming obvious that this effort is going to require a variety of people to step forward and pitch in--people just like you!

And while we don't know right now everything that will be needed, we've already spotted some "volunteer categories" we'd like you to think about filling.
  • Email Word-Spreaders: The Internet allows us to connect with others, share information, and pool our collective wisdom, all from the air-conditioned comfort of our own homes.... but only if we bother to email people you know! So please, take a moment to think about the people who live around you (or who might have some sort of specialty in this area; more on that in a moment) and email them our address (, so they can stay informed and get active. Make sure to include our email address, so we know you sent something out.
  • Block-Walkers: The Internet is nice, but there is no substitute for foot-on-pavement, face-to-face block-walking. Don't wait for an assignment; download and print this one-page flier and start passing it out and putting it up everywhere you can think of! Make dozens (or hundreds) of copies and just start walking up and down the street, leaving it on doors or windshields. Tape to the side of community mailboxes. When you are done with your own neighborhood, move on to the next. The flier has been written to quickly and easily explain what is at stake, and to then drive people to the website... so if you aren't comfortable discussing the issue at length with strangers, just hand them the sheet and ask them to come visit us to learn more. If you have managed to blanket a certain neighborhood, email us so we can keep track and assign volunteer block-walkers to other areas. If you've got time and are willing to walk, but can't afford to print fliers, email us your contact info and dates/times you are available, and we'll get fliers to you.
  • Media-Producers: Building on bullet number two... we could really use the help of any individuals or companies who could donate their time, equipment and talents to producing low/no-cost fliers, yard-signs, bumper-stickers, posters, hanging-signs, web/computer-edited videos, computer graphics, etc. If you want credit, we'll be happy to promote your business... if you want anonymity, we'll honor that too.
  • Researchers: At a certain point soon, we will be fanning out to investigate this developer's other properties; if you are a stable and sane individual, capable of handling video/digital cameras, and have the time and the willingness to drive around the Houston metro area, let us know. Note--at least some properties are expected to be located in generally more-risky areas of town, so please factor that in when deciding if you want to accept or decline this role.
  • Development, land-use, and TDHCA experts--most likely attorneys: There is a mountain of bureaucratic nonsense to pour through, and we arrive at the party having to learn from scratch. So if you are a developer, land-use attorney, or have some sort of other practical experience working with TDHCA, we desperately need to hear from YOU! Even if you aren't one of these things... if you think you know someone like that, or know someone who knows someone like that, please take a moment to reach out to them and ask if they are willing to help. To be honest, identifying and assembling a top-flight team of legal & TDHCA-familiar advisors is almost certainly going to play a more important role in killing this project than all of our above mentioned research and public complaining combined. That's just the way the world works. So please, rack your brain to see if you know someone like this... and if you ARE someone like this, please, please step forward. As before, we are willing to give you as much credit or anonymity as you desire.
Thanks again... and remember, stay tuned for an announcement regarding a community-wide meeting.


  1. I like yout flier, but it takes a LOT of black ink to print, especially if making many copies. Is there any way to make it without the black border?

  2. Suggestion: Can it have information on how to oppose it? It can be in fine print or something but I think that's important. :) Not everyone is going to get off their duff and look at the website...LOL

  3. Anon: How can one compare the price of several dozen black ink-jet cartridges to the joy of acting in defense of your community? ;)

    Seriously, we know it sucks black ink... but it also makes the sign more attention grabbing than everything else handing everywhere.

    My suggestion is you print one high-quality copy and then take to Kinko's to run off additional copies.

    Bethiepooh: For now, write and call Senator Patrick and Representative Riddle. That's the main thing people can do. (And come to Wednesday night's meeting, which I see you are already doing!)
