I’m happy to announce your request to be on the next WCA agenda was heard by WCA board members that attended [Wednesday] night's meeting. They have agreed to have the SGO topic on the next WCA agenda (6/15, in the "Cottage/Meeting House" complex, 6:00 pm).Those of you who attended this week's impromptu community meeting may recall Ted as the gentleman close to the front who expressed disappointment with the actions (or lack of action) taken so far by the Windrose HOA board on the Gosling Oaks issue.
You should also note MUD 30 has their board meeting scheduled for 6/2, while MUD 32 is scheduled for 6/11. For times and meeting location, go to www.windroseca.org. Although the current Gosling Oak project falls within Bridgestone MUD…future projects of this nature might impact MUD 30 or 32 (WindRose) and remember as the Bridgestone MUD board member highlighted, the MUDs have a powerful voice in this as well.
As we said at the time, SGO's founders believe it is important that our effort not get pulled in too many directions, or take on ancillary issues that might divide our potential supports.
That said, there isn't always a bright line between where one issue ends and another begins, and we generally want to err on the side of keeping people informed.
So while taking no sides, we decided to pass this information along. If you feel strongly about it, whatever your stance, we encourage you to attend the Windrose HOA board meeting.
Comments to this post closed; talk about at the meeting on 6/15.